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Does my baby need the Vitamin K shot?

Yes! It is a vitamin shot (not a vaccine) that helps infants form blood clots and stop bleeding. Babies have low levels of Vitamin K at birth. This shot gives them the required amount to protect them from Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn, a deadly disease which claimed the lives of many infants prior to Vitamin K being administered routinely to newborns in 1961. Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn can occur early, in the first week of life, and later, up to 6 months of life. It happens even when there is no trauma. These babies are healthy and thriving and all of a sudden they will have spontaneous bleeding and can have seizures, strokes, gastrointestinal bleeding and permanent brain damage as a result. In severe cases, babies don't survive. Many families ask if the baby can received the oral Vitamin K instead. The truth is we have no studies about the dosing and the efficacy of it. It may help, but it might not. Why take that chance?

Start your baby off right. After your baby is born and you are asked if you want the Vitamin K shot, please say yes. Your baby's life may depend on it. For further information please see the parent handout regarding Vitamin K at

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